Adding Details of Authentication Methods to the Tenant Passwords and MFA Report

V1.2 of the User Passwords and MFA report includes the names of authentication methods registered for user accounts. V1.3 expands the amount of detail reported for each method, such as the phone number used for SMS challenges, or the email address used for SSPR. It’s a small but important detail that’s useful to administrators. However, it also comes with a potential privacy issue, so the script must handle that too.

Reporting User-Preferred MFA Methods for Entra ID User Accounts

Being able to set user-preferred authentication methods for Azure AD multi-factor authentication hasn’t been possible up to now. New Graph APIs make it possible to get and set authentication methods for Azure AD accounts. It’s just another small step along the line to migrate away from the MSOL and Azure AD modules.

Creating an Authentication Method Report for Entra IAccounts

With the upcoming deprecation of the Azure AD and Microsoft Online Services (MSOL) PowerShell modules, it’s time to upgrade scripts which depend on the cmdlets from these modules. In this example, we use the Microsoft Graph SDK for PowerShell to create a report for Azure AD accounts showing the authentication methods each account uses. The idea is to highlight accounts not protected by strong authentication so that administrators can help users to upgrade their protection against attack.